A great awakening to the truth is happening right Now

6 signs of awakening to your enlighten being.

We will embark on a cosmic journey, the journey imprinted in our divine heart as our conscious assignment, our soul mission and our life purpose, directly linked and interconnected  to the celestial wisdom and the majestic divine intent, and its profound design for the expansion of  the whole universe.

We will navigate the currents of signs, signals and clues of this awakening process, to seek understanding, freedom of consciousness, and reunion with our forgotten love within our own hearts, and the hearth of others, through the non-dualistic teachings of Ivan Rados. His timeless insights, his knowing, his wisdom and his vision is in service of our spiritual evolution and the evolution of the whole existence.

Ivan Rados selflessly surrender to the divine guidance, sharing the message for us to understand the great awakening happening in the world right now, and the awakening of whole universe, all through from us, through us and all for us. As Ivan Rados stated,;You are not in separation from the universe, you are inseparable aspect and part of it. You are the whole universe in your conscious heart.

We will travel through the six signs of this timeless mystery and the mastery of our conscious and our spiritual evolution and our journey to our final Awakening. This cosmic unknown mystery, will be reveal to us, the elaborate threads of grandiose design of divine proportions, divine creativity on the cosmic soul canvas.

Let us enfold, embrace and embark on this Kearney of remembering with Ivan Rados insights and his teachings, and start peeling. the layers, and layers of our ignorance and revealing the  divine mysteries within ourself, that connects us to our eternal divine oneself, our true heritage, our divine rights, connecting us to our divine home, the wholeness. Each sign is a stepping stone in your inner evolution, and our evolution of ever lasting, ever expanding companionate, conscious loving universe.

The teachings of Ivan Rados can help us awake and master our forgotten knowing of our own heritage, our own inherent power to manifest, to create our well-being, our life, and attune ourselves to the divine flow of self-creative universe , This journey is of profound significance for our evolution, the evolution of the earth and all its being, and the evolution of the whole universe; transcending the mundane and moving into sacred, boundless wisdom, freedom, truth, beauty, and our majesty. With this transformative power of out six divine qualities we can create the abundance for all, the harmony and peace for the world, the inner contentment for all beings, and the tranquility and overflowing companionate love for the whole existence.

Fill your heart with gratitude, open your inner eyes, be in witnessing consciousness with open heart and listen attentively Ivan Rados profound insights of the divine intelligent process of awakening to Oneself, and the intricate codes of enlightenment embedded in the cosmic script of infinite proportions.

The number 1 is  INTUITION

The number 2 is SYNCHRONICITY

The number 3 is GRATITUDE

The number 4 is LETTING GO

The number 5 is INNER PEACE

The number 6 is SOUL VISION

In this ever-changing world, a great awakening to the truth is happening right Now.

Are you aware of it?  Can you hear the inner voice whispering to you to make a quantum leap into the unknown self? Can you feel the blessings of existence, the constant shower of Love on Truth happening at every moment in your heart, and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters? Are you aware of the invitation? Awakenning is happening, it is already here, it’s a divine gift and invitation to make the quantum leap into the unknown of you you are, originaly, easentialy and existentialy,  awakening to your original, pure, divine Truthful Oneself. Are you ready?

Fill your heart with gratitude, open your inner eyes, be in witnessing consciousness with open heart and listen attentively Ivan Rados profound insights of the divine intelligent process of awakening to Oneself, and the intricate codes of enlightenment embedded in the cosmic script of infinite proportions.