THE MIDDLE POINT is right where you are - Now, a state of no-mind.
The Middle Point is grounded and nourished in non-dual, non-linear, non-conceptual reality as a single divine reality with ultimate awareness being its essence. The human experiences of separateness, and the temporality of time and space are projections produced by the dualistic mind.
The Middle Point is not a method, but a way of life; a way of living with the fullness of your attentiveness in the moment of now. It is a process of awareness that can be re-remembered in every single moment of the now. That is the practice. Remembering yourself every single moment of now, remembering that you are in every doing and every experience, being conscious that you are, being conscious of consciousness, that’s the practice, that’s the way of life. Re-membering your natural, existential and essential Self is the practice. Being a member of now every moment of now. Re-membering now and being aware of your attachment to the mind, and consequently being aware of any obstacles, any objections in the now, coming from the mind, is the practice.
The point of the middle point is to be in meditative love—methodless, nontechnical, non-doing. Through effort, you attain effortless being. Lao Tzu said, ‘Open now’, meaning give up the search, or give up the method. Don’t journey, don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, and don’t demand. Just be where you are at this moment, don’t forget yourself, relaxed and doing nothing. You are! That is the divine fact. Are you aware? Wherever you are, you are in the moment, you are Now, so just be aware and relax. If you relax in the moment, you are as you are. If you relax, you start vibrating with What-Is. This is a methodless method, the middle point.
Every path toward unity, toward awakening, is easy. However, methods and techniques aren’t in themselves the path but may lead toward the path. The path already exists. You are the path and you are the point. There’s nowhere to go, no need to go, and no one to go.
Transcripts - A collection of Spontaneous Discourses on The Middle Point, Tantra, Yoga, Yantra, Mantra, Zen..., to disciples and friends in Port Coquitlam, Toronto, Vancouver, and Los Angeles.
This reality we live is unquestionable, but still, we ask the question, and in fact, no question can ever be answered.
Non-Dualistic Methodless Meditation Methods of THE MIDDLE POINT
Awakening Calls
Ivan Rados’ ‘Awakening Calls’ is the invitation from timeless truth that can radically transform our perception, understanding, and our way of being in the world. We are all experiencing chasm between our humanity and our divinity, as though the lower and higher self were divided through constant struggle into two separate pieces. The Awakening Calls can help sew our two selves back to Oneness, and reawaken us to that which we already are. It is just a matter of perception.
I was watching my neighbour going for a long procedure of preparing his car for a night. He was setting on the very powerfully loud alarm, putting a wheel lock around his steering wheel, locking the gate of his car park... Also, he would wake up during the night two, three times just to check that everything is alright with his car. Once I asked him, “Do you worry that someday your car might fall in love with someone else and decide to leave you?” He looked at me as if I am crazy. I heard recently that he was killed by his car while cleaning it underneath. He forgot to put the brake on a hill.
Obsession is the state of doing. The state of doing is the process of thinking. You cannot choose to think, or to choose to stop your thinking. You don’t have any control over the process of thinking. You cannot stop your mind - period. How many times did you forget your car key, or how many times you did not press brake on your car? Once is enough to be killed.
There is no power in the mind to stop itself? No! Illusion doesn’t have any power. The power is in your consciousness. Detach your consciousness from the mind. Where is your thinking? Stop identifying yourself with your mind- where is your mind? The mind collapses not by its own decision, but by the witnessing, by you not participating with the mind. Do you get it?
Ivan Rados - The Art Of Meditation
When you are thankful for whatever is present in your life, life will expand and give you even more blessings.
Remember to be thankful for everything that is, exactly as it is , right now, because gratitude makes magic happen, and can shift your present circumstances in amazing ways.
Stay open and become a resonant channel of receiving and of giving…
Love is eternal, but it isn't permanent. It's ever-changing in each moment, for its eternal quality is in the Now. When we try to make love permanent instead of experiencing its eternal nature each changing moment, it becomes sentimental. Similarly, when we make bliss permanent, we create the polarities of happiness and unhappiness. When we make truth permanent, it becomes a falsehood. So too, when we attempt to make health a permanent state instead of a flow of being, it becomes disease.
Dead things are permanent. Everything alive is changing from moment to moment, for it's only through its ever-changing expression that its eternal quality can be known. Hence, only to the degree we're detached from any particular reality are we free to experience the whole of reality in its eternally flowing Nowness.
Ivan Rados - Health It’s All About Consciousness
Love your pain, your sadness, your stubborn ness, your difficult family members, your challenging situations at work. Love all your triggers and current challenges - whatever they may be.
We often want to make that blissful feeling after ceremony last. And even though you will likely see your life shift in amazing ways after such an experience, you may still have things you encounter that will trigger you. Love all of it. The amazing thing is, after communing with the medicine, you will have gained conscious awareness & a new perspective on the things which persist in your life.
Medicine is not a magic wand - but how you integrate , how conscious you are to what shows up in your life, and shifting your awareness - is.
When you make a conscious choice to love all your shit , love everything in your life, exactly as it is, and surrender - you may just notice that you ‘disarm’ the issues in your life, and they do not hold such a power over you.
All those things that seemed difficult before become messengers and teachers. So - be with it all. Embrace it . Love your shit. All of it. And say thank you.
Meditation is going with the flow of the moment right now. In meditation there is no question of any resistance to any happening in Now. Right now doesn’t contain any past or any future. Right now is empty of thoughts, empty of the mind. In a meditative state of being, you live in utter relaxation, free from past and future. You live in absolute acceptance of all that is right now and all that isn’t right now. Whatsoever life brings now is a gift, and you are very grateful for it. Do you understand?

Ivan Rados
To schedule Ivan Rados for talks, intensives, and meditation retreats throughout the world please contact info@ivanrados.com
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