The alchemy of ONE
the language of wholeness
Buddha once says, ‘To see it is to be a seer; otherwise you are just blind.’
Your eyes are totally closed because you see only outside. You are inwardly blind to the truth of life inside your being. All you see is only outside meaningless things and you become mesmerize by their phantasmagoric appearances. The outside world is an optical illusion. It is not appearing as what it is but as what it is not. That’s why your inner eyes are sleeping. The Yantra meditation method is nothing but method of opening your inner eyes.
The optical focus of YANTRA is true act of offering false to real, offering the outside to the inside. The OBLATION of the yantra is always its centre, the divine expression of itself, inviting you for inner focus of consciousness.
Awakening one's inner eyes implies the Yantra optical focus, gathering one’s self into a single point, including, integrating and balancing its expansion into oneness. To focus on the centre of Yantra is essentially a way towards inner awakening. It is all about witnessing.
In yantra, the mathematically extensionless point is a symbol of the Whole, or the fullness in nothingness, the undifferentiated, all-embracing reservoir of infinite life. It is a cosmic womb of multidimensional universes, the creative matrix representing the unity of static and kinetic principle of existence, which expand in infinite forms and formless aspects, represented as matter and energy, body and soul, visible and invisible..., all of that and beyond. That third point is YOU.
This act of oblation is a pure divine act. The experiencing of this divine offering act is represented as a dot in the centre of yantra. The culmination of the meditation on yantra is when you begin to internalize the dot as YOU. You are looking at yourself. You are offering, you are sacrificing yourself to you. You are conscious of your consciousness.
The universe is a single vibration that expands in all directions, creating an unlimited variety of vibrations. Yantra corresponds to these vibrations. Hence meditating on a yantra symbol imprints a higher vibrational signature in our consciousness. This is because a yantra symbol acts as a portal, a passage to our sleeping aspects of consciousness.
“The central quest of meditation with yantra is to attain the symbiosis of all aspects of our being in oneness, which is to attain the unity of the one.”
— Ivan Rados - Yantra Meditation
Since the symbol’s vibration resonates at a high frequency, when you focus your attention on a specific symbol, your consciousness opens to the resonance of that particular geometrical archetype, thereby resonating at a higher wavelength, and awakening and therefore detaching itself from the unconsciousness.
Awakening one’s inner centre implies gathering the energy of One-Self into a single creative point by gazing at it with consciousness.
The energy doesn’t emanate from the yantra, but from the consciousness itself, which communicates through the symbolic form. It acts as a mirror. The consciousness is mirroring itself, consciousness being conscious of itself. The meditations lead you into the unknown, where mind becomes no-mind, where form reveals its ultimate formlessness, and thingness reveals its inherent no-thing-ness. In other words, yantra meditation works by tuning you to the vibration of your true One Self. In this way, the meditations facilitate your transcendence.
Once you are introduced to the yantra, and once you start meditating with it, the meditation will direct you to the summit. In essence, whether we are being driven by spiritual instinct, or stumbling on the path or turning away, we are all essentially gathering intuitive knowingness that all of our movements will inevitably lead us back to the starting point, the one moment of the All-point, the beginning of our infinite being.
The integration and balance expansion into a totality happens on its own. You are not do do anything, just fix your consciousness in the one point, the point in the center of the Yantra, that’s all. To gather One-Self and centre it into consciousness is essentially a way towards inner awakening. This quest is the pivot around which yantra revolves.
Begin the meditation with your eyes open, simply gazing at the center of the Yantra, at the dot, at the point in the middle. It’s necessary to look only at the center of the yantra, focusing on the dot in the middle of the symbol, trying not to blink or blinking as little as possible. Gaze at the centre for three, six or nine minutes, or as long as you can. The key is to maintain a receptive, alert frame of mind, without drawing any conclusions, and free of concepts or thoughts. We simply gaze at the center with innocent, wonder-filled eyes. When we focus solely on the dot at the center of the yantra, not paying attention to anything outside of this, our consciousness deepens instead of flying off in different directions. The more we gaze, the more we will tend to feel weightless and unburdened.
Don’t worry about anything else around the dot in the middle. The middle point is where you witnessing consciousness is settling. The peripheral vision of your eyes will record any shape, image, colour without your mind being active interpreting and projecting.
As you look at the center of the image, simultaneously observe the “witness” in you that is seeing Yantra. As you watch, you may find thoughts arising. You cannot control the mind and its thoughts; you can only let go of our thoughts, you can only accept your thoughts as they are. Watch them coming and going. Do nothing. Allow any thoughts that arise simply to come and go without attaching your consciousness to them. You just watch the dot and the witness of the dot. That watching two things at once is called ‘A Double Arrow Attention. Not becoming attached will enable you to enter into relaxation. You don’t have to create this relaxed state; it will come on its own.
As you feel yourself gathering consciousness, allow yourself to flow with the momentum of this consciousness. By so doing, you will first experience an awakening to the forms and shapes around you. Secondly, you will experience an awareness of your body. Thirdly, you will experience an inner awakening to your thoughts and emotions. Finally, you will start feeling the one who is experiencing.
When your consciousness begins to shift inward, that is the right time to close your eyes. Don’t worry, your intuition will tell you when to close your eyes. Now watch the yantra imprinted in your mind’s eye, allowing it to gradually guide you within. As the imprint absorbs your consciousness, you won’t be able to tell whether the Yantra symbol is in you or whether you are within the symbol. Watch with relaxed attentiveness and alertness. Any thoughts that arise will dissolve. As this happens, you will become aware of your inner perceptions of reality, but don’t try to hold onto these perceptions. It’s important not to evaluate what comes up, but just to allow. The yantras are experiential and require no analysis. They don’t tell us the truth but are pointers toward truth. Truth is an experience, not a belief—and the experience always takes place in the now. All that’s required is for us to remain empty and receptive. The truth that lies within us can then surface, because our own being, which is part of infinite consciousness, is the truth.
With our eyes still closed, we will continue to see colors because they are easier to experience than forms. Seeing forms is a more complicated process of perception and the most abstract. What we perceive as a form is actually light. However, pure light is too intense for us, so it has to be separated into colors. The colors and forms of the Sacred Geometry Yantra image reflects something essential inside us. The way we perceive the colors is subjective because colors are associated with emotion and linked with the mind. Consequently, everyone associates different emotional and subjective values with different colors.
Just as a prism divides white light into separate colors, the mind divides colors into emotional, mental, and bodily aspects through its patterned reactions and memory, never allowing us to see the whole. During the yantra meditation, this heals. Slowly, the yantra colors, shapes, and forms we perceive with our inner eye disappear, and we enter a state of detached awareness in which there is nothing to see and nothing to search for, just the state of stillness, no movement in your mind.
In watchfulness, there is no commentary, evaluation, or judgment, just total relaxation.
In this relaxed state, watch the watcher and witness the witnessing. By watching the watcher, the watcher expands. The experience of a divine silence slowly descend upon you. Do nothing, and you will find yourself participating in pure consciousness without the mind defining it. In other words, you will feel no need to tell yourself such things as “this is the experience I have been seeking” or “this is what people mean when they talk about enlightenment.”
Forget about looking for results as you meditate. When we are in this meditative process, not a single vibration moves into the future. In this conscious state, causes and consequences aren’t two separate things—in the same way that the chicken and the egg aren’t separate realities, but the egg is the chicken and the chicken is the egg. Meditation brings us to a place of sensitivity wherein we experience a great interconnectedness with All That Is. This sensitivity generates a loving intimacy with everything we see, smell, touch, taste, hear, and intuit. Be aware, and you will be sensitive to the whole of reality. Be sensitive and you will be aware of everything.
Meditation doesn’t bring joy, but joy comes when we are meditative. If we aren’t joyful, it’s because we aren’t in a meditative state, since joy is our intrinsic nature. It’s possible to learn meditation, but it’s impossible to learn joy: it just is. To be joyous requires a drastic shift in our perception of reality and a drastic change in our way of life. When this occurs, we are born again and sensitivity pours innocently from our “empty” heart. This is an experience that isn’t either physical or psychological but transcends both. This is authentic spirituality.
When you are ready, you may wish to take a deep breath, begin to move your toes and fingers, open your eyes, and become aware of your surroundings once again.
Create your own Yantra. Follow the principles we talked about here, or create your own principles, your own meaning through the experiencing. Watch, witness and breathe. Chant and practice Bandha, practice Pranayama, practice whatsoever can help in meditation with Yantra. But you know what I am going to say, ‘Meditation is very simple, no need for any complex practices.’ It is just being creative and watching... It is accepting the flow of life right Now, accepting the existence as YOU. Meditation is all about awareness.
Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry
Ivan Rados yantra meditation cards, Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry offers one of the most effective means of entering into present moment awareness, enabling one to move rapidly into living fully in the Now. While many struggle to reach enlightenment, the author believes that everyone has the capacity to experience this state, which is an experience of freedom from our illusionary egoic mind, without all of this struggle. This capacity is realized not by following rules, performing rituals, or imitating enlightened masters, but by bringing awareness to the minds attachments. Simply sitting with the yantras is so powerful that it conveys the energy to heal without the person doing anything else The yantras feature Ivan Rados stellar artwork, which flows from his profoundly rich experience of present moment awareness. Through his stunning yantras and clear explanations, Rados offers us a simple way to still the mind so that we become deeply aware of the Infinite Consciousness at the heart of our own being.
Ivan Rados
To schedule Ivan Rados for talks, intensives, and meditation retreats throughout the world please contact info@ivanrados.com
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