’Ivan Rados’ ‘Awakening Calls’ is the invitation from timeless truth that can radically transform our perception, understanding, and our way of being in the world. We are all experiencing chasm between our humanity and our divinity, as though the lower and higher self were divided through constant struggle into two separate pieces. The Awakening Calls can help sew our two selves back to Oneness, and reawaken us to that which we already are. It is just a matter of perception.
The Middle Point - October 2015
The Middle Point is not another set of beliefs to be learned, or a method to be followed; such things need to be let go as we are shown how to awaken to our true nature right now. What Ivan has to say may be very different to what you are used to from a spiritual book, but ‘The Middle Point’ is worth careful attention because it will guide discerning readers to experience truth for themselves. Ivan Rados does not recycle timeworn teachings or traditions, but speaks from the experience of his own living insight.
Awakening Calls - Health It's All About Consciousness
Ivan Rados’ insight into how we can consciously reconnect with our One Self enables us to address illness at its source—the mind, which through thought and emotional reactivity blocks the flow of our essential being. By clearing out anxiety, delusion, projections, belief in separation, and our sense of limitation, we restore the health that is intrinsic to our humanity.
Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry Yantras are the entrance into another world, the world of Oneness. Once we have entered this world, there is no way out, no exit. It’s neither a state of mind nor a mood we can go into and then return from. Rather, this inner world is our essential being, our intrinsic nature, our AWARENESS. This world is THE TRUTH. IT IS YOU.