What is the mind? There is no mind, only thoughts.

Are thoughts the mind? No. Thoughts are the cause.

Then what is the mind beyond thoughts? There is no mind beyond thoughts.


The Mind Is Compensation for Not Being One-Self


The mind doesn’t have form. Neither is it a single thought, but a constant flow of thoughts. Thoughts don’t have form, but they can create form. Form is unreal, part of the illusion. Everything that has form is an illusion. To be attached to form is to be possessed by the mind, and thus to be in a state of separation.


Thoughts come and go. They are constantly moving. Have you noticed that you can only have one thought at a time? The mind’s entrance is so small, so narrow, that only one thought can go through it. The other thoughts wait in front of the entrance, clogging it, blocking it, creating chaos.


Thoughts move so fast that we can’t see the interval, the gap between two thoughts. If we become able to experience the interval between thoughts, we see the spaceless no-mind field. The interval is always there. However, we can’t experience it because of our identification with the mind’s structure and contents.


In the interval—the gap between thoughts—there’s only emptiness, nothingness. In this nothingness lies awareness of what is. To witness the gap between thoughts is to be in the moment, the now. To witness the witness of the moment is to disperse the mind-space and attain no-mind spacelessness. This is enlightenment.


The mind isn’t real; it only appears to be. It’s a dream, a projection, an illusion. When you aren’t your mind, then you simply are.


The mind creates turmoil, tension, stress, anxiety, and anguish. The mind can never be joyous, blissful, or healthy, because the mind is in a state of dis-ease. As a result of our identification with our illusory mind, we see One-Self as separated from the whole, disconnected from the whole. We see One-Self as unhealthy, suffering, and dis-eased. The mind can’t be healthy because it can’t ever be the whole.


It’s in the nature of the mind to divide the whole. If you aren’t aware of the whole, then you are bound to be fragmented, dis-eased, and separated. You are bound to suffer within the mechanical structure of your imposed, imprinted mind-space.





Mind-space is different from no-mind spacelessness. Mind-space is the well-defined, private, local “space” of the mind, with well-defined boundaries such as “my personality, my character, my body, my family, my house, my country, my planet, my galaxy.” In contrast, no-mind is a spaceless field in which awareness flows unattached and unobstructed by thoughts.


We are all born with a no-mind spaceless field in which awareness can express itself as consciousness in its luminous existence, which is a self-interactive infinite fractal loop. Society indoctrinates us by imprinting the well-defined mind-space, teaching us how to establish structure in it and how to fill this structure with consensus contents known as “knowledge” and “beliefs.”


The mind holds the structure that determines the mind’s contents, drawing on different kinds of consensus thoughts. This structure is a very personal aspect of our existence. This personal existence—this “I am”—is the blueprint for the content that occupies the mind structure that’s running the show without your awareness of your attachments, your identifications, your beliefs. And without you being able to control it in any way.


The mind’s structure is a foundation, a blueprint for its content—just like the road system is for your car. The mind’s structure determines the flow of the consensus thoughts and energy of its one-way traffic. Every consensus thought in the mind structure is a local disturbance or fluctuation, separating awareness from the universal spaceless field of no-mind.

Ivan Rados, Transcripts - A collection of Spontaneous Discourses on The Middle Point, Tantra, Yoga, Yantra, Mantra, Zen..., to disciples and friends in Port Coquitlam, Toronto, Vancouver, and Los Angeles.
