The Silent language Of Yantra - the Tantric symbol of Cosmic Unity

Once instead of giving a speech, Buddha just held up a flower to his listeners, said nothing. He just looked at the flower, and only one person, Mahakashyap, laughed.

Buddha was talking the silent language of flowers and only one person understood and the consciousness of flower was transferred to him.

When Mahakashyap laughed, Buddha gave him the flower. And he said to the others: "I told you everything that can be said, and that which cannot be said I gave it to Mahakashyap."

Buddha’s flower become Yantra for Mahakashyap. There is growth; an opening from the inside. The rock becomes the flower. Something of divine opens and flowers inside of Mahakashyap that transforms into the language of Yantra, the language of unity in diversity, the perfect order in nature, the language of oneness.

Mahakashyap flower into a different dimension. It is the relatedness of all things and no-things in existence, the wholeness in the witness of the divine creativity right Now. Buddha’s flower processes this vision of unity. It is a sacred Yantra symbol of our sacralized universe: existing, breathing, moving and expanding with the simplicity of ONE life in all elements, densities, points, energies and in all dimensions and all aspects of wholeness in existence right Now.​

Real teachings cannot be given through verbal communication, Nothing can be said about it. Buddha and you live in diametrically opposite universes, so there is no way for understanding to happen.

The patterns of a flower speak about certain proportions and equations of your consciousness; that all things come from no-things growing and expanding from a union of complementary opposites in a dynamic way.

Buddha’s flower was a living form with the essence as the formless; it is the living geometrical pattern of all things mirroring the ultimate truth relevant to every-body and no-body, every-thing and no-thing in existence.

Everything is right Here available for you right Now, and Nothing is right Now always available within you right Here. That what manifests is conceal in the same thing from which it manifests. That is the Yantra truth.

Yantra is a Sanskrit word meaning to sustain, hold or subdue, to restrain, curb, check and support the energy inherent in consciousness. It is represented as a particular sacred geometrical symbol, element, object or concept, process, automata, piece of machinery or anything that has harmonious structure and organization. Also, it may refer to any kind of mechanical contrivance which is harnessed to aid an enterprise.

The yantra is essentially a geometric compositing, but to understand its deeper nature and broader meaning, our view of geometry must yield to those of spirited energetics and of passive dynamics.

Throughout history, the yantra has been used as a sort of machine or instrument in architecture, astronomy, alchemy, chemistry, warfare and recreation. In a spiritual context, the yantra has been used as an experiential geometrical tool intended for meditation and to increase consciousness; functioning as revelatory conduits of ultimate truth, holding the energetic signatures of the consciousness. It provides the balanced, gross forms which evoke the subtle formless energy of inner vision.

A spiritual context of yantra

The central quest in a spiritual context of yantra is to achieve the ultimate experience of the one. We are all a spiritual travellers whose main aim is to intuit the union of the One. We clime to the summit, whether we rest and pause for a while, whether we stumbles on the path of or turn away, we all inevitably go back to the same point we started our journey. The All-point is the beginning, the origin and the end of our existence and all existence. Awakening one point in our being implies collecting all energies of One Self into a single creative point and integrating and harmonizing its expansion into totality. The goal of yantra is ultimate transformation of our forgotten point, the one point in our being.

The central quest in a spiritual context of yantra is to achieve the ultimate experience of the one. We are all a spiritual travellers whose main aim is to intuit the union of the One. We clime to the summit, whether we rest and pause for a while, whether we stumbles on the path of or turn away, we all inevitably go back to the same point we started our journey. The All-point is the beginning, the origin and the end of our existence and all existence. Awakening one point in our being implies collecting all energies of One Self into a single creative point and integrating and harmonizing its expansion into totality. The goal of yantra is ultimate transformation of our forgotten point, the one point in our being.

The principle behind the use of the yantra is basic to tantric tradition, so each yantra as a visual pattern together with mantra-sound syllable reciprocally encloses its own unique power-pattern. In addition to its mathematical perfection, the yantra has the universal appeal of archetypes. In almost all religions, yantra forms appears and operates, at some degrees, as a symbol of cosmic mystery, like triangles, spirals, crosses, circles, flower of life..., through which devotees can rediscover his or her primeval consciousness.

Who am I? This very fundamental and existential question involves the totality of our existence in all its depth and heights or our being. This question around Yantra will take you to the very beginning of everything, represented as the one point in the middle of Yantra. This question around Yantra meditation will take you in the primeval beginning. The profoundness of this question is eternal, and so is its journey equally profound and eternal.

Yantra is a representation of All That Is

Yantra is a representation of All That Is, and as the external image is used in meditation or worship to symbolize or express certain divine principles, ideas and qualities. When in meditative state of being, certain sound formulas are used, called mantras, or certain divine intent and ideas are meditated upon. Then certain symbols are brought out from the open flowing mind, crystallizing formless into form, actually crystallizing sound into a actual form.

Yantra is a key element of Tantra, representing the constant flow and interaction of both divine and human energy or energy impulses of the universe. It mediates between the "transcendent-yet- immanent" macrocosm and the microcosm of mundane human experience.

The whole goal of Yantra is not to transcend the world, but to realize that the world is the manifestation of the mind, where the "I" is "the supreme egoity of the God." Though the transcendence of the mind, the fusion between the manifested and the unmanifested, the visible and the invisible takes place. Nature and Consciousness are manifesting themselves as Oneness, the totality of all that is. Consciousness is manifested in everything and everyone which is to be realized through Yantra meditation.
