The Geometry of Primordial silence - The Harmony of the Spheres
Sound is not primordial because sound exist in silence, so silence is primordial. Everything that comes and goes is not real. Sound comes and goes, and it is not real. Silence is always. Silence is the heart of the sound, and it is always. Anything that comes and goes can create reality, but you have to understand that the appearance is not real, only Now is real, all else is in transition, in movement and transformation.
Anything that you create is always temporarily, so you can create sound and manifest object, but you cannot create silence and manifest it, because silence is eternal and real, right Now.
Listen. Can you hear it? Listen attentively. Thinking is the sound; consciousness is soundless, and soundless is OM. Once thinking is dropped, primordial silence is. In silence existence is one, one unity, one orgasmic experience where duality is non-duality, where everything is joined together in nothingness.
Meditation can be reduced to one word - silence. In meditation you are not, only silence and stillness is, as the absolute Now. Only in that stillness, in that meditative silence, do you start hearing the soundless sound, the silence sound OM. That is the search. That’s is what we are all seeking. When thinking disappears, you are Now. In consciousness, You and Now are together in Oneness, in OM.
That sound OM, that primordial sound, through which all emerges, lives, and into which all dissolves, is your being.
Soundless sound OM, or silence OM is always Now, but you don’t hear it, because you are not present, you are not conscious, you are not here and now, you are possessed by your thinking. You are not present, you are absent. You are somewhere else lost in your thoughts of past or future. When there are no thought, you are now and here, you are now--here, nowhere and OM IS. Do you understand?
Silence is not empty, it is the fullness of the wholeness, of your consciousness. The moment you are the meditation, absolutely silent, in tune with Now, absolutely attuned with nothingness, the whole descends in you. Actually, there is no you, just the wholeness vibrating the Diviner Mantra OM in your being.
The word Mantra is untranslatable in English, and the closest word that I could find is ‘formula’, ‘word’ or a ‘seed.’ The interesting thing is that the word ‘mantra’ as from the Veda, comes from the same root as 'mind', in Sanskrit word - MAN, can be literally translated as 'instrument of thought.'
So, a mantra is not just something to chant, it is something to understand. It is like a formula, a seed in your being. Mantra is not chanting, it is not a repeated word, or phrase, it is a divine seed to be allowed to grow in your being, spreading its roots to the source of life, and branching high into the sky and blossoming with the flowers of blissfulness. So, a mantra purpose is not chanting, but something to touch the core in your being. The deeper the mantra sinks in, the higher up the consciousness goes.
When you think, there are a million of things missing in your life, but when you feel, there is only one thing - you are missing being your real self. You see, the mind can find all missing things, it can complete all your objective urges, desires and expectations, but the mind cannot help you find your Mudra, your missing self. There is no human being on Earth who is without that feeling. It doesn’t matter how you create your life, positively or negatively, it doesn’t matter who and what you believe to be, whether you have all comfort and luxuries in the world, or you are simply one the street, broke and begging..., this missing feeling goes on being persistently painful and worrying, never allowing you to rest.
Unless you planted a seed of consciousness in your being, unless you move your attention to your heart, to your feeling of being alive right where you are - now, until you find your mantra, you will not find anything essential, nothing substantial, just shadows and projections. Only the expansion of your consciousness can take you out of this glitch, and correct the error in your perception of self.
Chanting mantra is the activity of the mind, while the meaning of the mantra is the act of consciousness seeding itself in being. Allow the mind to chant the mantra. Do not be present in chanting, be present in neutral consciousness just listening, as do someone else is chanting and you are simply listening without any thoughts of it. Listen to the objective sound. Chant, but listen to that chant. Be present in witnessing consciousness. Do nothing. Listening is enough. The meaning of mantra will sink into you. The consciousness will seed itself.
Be aware. Your mind has a thousands layers, like an onion. In order to see all the layers of onion you have to cut it in two. One layer upon the other layer, upon the other layer..., with no centre of it. One layer of the mind is chanting, while the other, hidden layer, is thinking about that layer who is chanting, and the other deeper layer is thinking about that layer who is thinking about the visible chanting layer... Be utterly quiet. Thoughts are always running at the background. Do not move the thoughts, and do not be moved by your thoughts. Watch the mind chanting, praying, thinking, and do nothing. A few thoughts will be there, but as you become rooted in neutral watching, as you become more silent, those thoughts will simply drop themselves, and you will hear an echo of your chant. Stay detached and listen the humming sound popping up all around you, and no vibration inside.
The mind is imitating the humming sound through the chant, but the real humming is not made by the mind, it is beyond. It is at the very essence of existence. Now, listen to the silence in your heart. It is your heart humming, it is your heart resonating with the earth and the sky. It is the sound of the universe.
Contemplate. The sound can only exist if there is something there to create it. The mind creates the sound you can hear by your hearing sense. The mind is the instrumental sound. Sound is the property of the mind; but no-mind is filled with OM, soundless sound.
Listen carefully. Can you feel the presence of the Divine in the noised? Every sound comes from silence and will return to silence. Without silence, there would be no sound. Silence is the un- manifested part of every word, every noise, and every musical note. In your daily activities, be aware of the silence during a conversation, to the silence during traffic noise, to the silence during children playing or birds singing. Be aware of that gap where silence is hidden. The more you are aware of the silence both inside and outside of One-Self, the more stillness and silence will grow within.
If you observe the nature of sound, you will discover that sounds are created by two things striking together, a bow against strings; a stick against drums; waves against the shore; wind against the leaves, negative thought striking the positive thought... Sound is produced by the visible,, either striking each other and vibrating together in duality. The result is pulsating waves of air molecules, which we interpret as sound.
The primordial sound of OM contains all sounds and vibrations within itself. When the sound OM disappears from your body, your body dies. When the sound OM becomes disturbed, your body becomes ill. Illness happens when the noise in the mind disturbs the sound of OM in your being. You are polluting your health.
Meditation is a journey into silence. When all noisy sound in your mind dissolves into soundless, no-mind, when there is no duality, when there are no two separated things striking each other, then you are totally of the Unstruck Sound of soundless oneness, you are OM.
Yantra is a physical expression of a mantra. A mantra is a Divine soundless sound Om in the form of sound vibration, it is the consciousness in the creative movement. Yantra is the sound in form-ulation through the process of creativity to a certain sacred geometrical figuration that serves as a portal to the movement and expansion of consciousness.
The Whole is not a state, but a process of the One Moment of now to the next moment of now, which is the same moment now in infinite directions in and out. Every direction is part of the Oneness, infinitely moving in infinite directions in one moment of now. In every meditative act, the consciousness expands, forming new directions. A constant flow of meditation leads to Awareness. OM is Awareness, it is what Now is.
In the Infinity, everything is possible, and every conscious part of that infinity is free to express ITSELF through creativity in infinite ways. Through every single part, the infinity is expressing ITSELF as the Infinite Symphony of Intelligence. OM is your intelligence. That energy is in every consciousness within and without. Without is the expression of infinity in a finite way. You can call this Infinite Energy of Oneness by various vibrational sound complexes, but the most common is ‘Logos’ or ‘Love.’ The ultimate Law of Oneness is Love.
So, the Law of One is the Unified Energy Field in constant flow of all visible and invisible energies from all levels of this reality and all other realities, all dimensions and all densities in this moment of now. The One energy OM is available to you any moment by virtue of your existence. OM is the sound of the nature of existence itself.
Love is All There Is. The One Is The All, And The All Are The One. Oneness contains all the pieces and all the parts. On the periphery of the Existence are the many. Within the centre, the many begin to dissolve to reveal the One. At the centre, all the pieces and parts, everything and no-thing become One OM.
The English words Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent are a derivation from the sounds OM. The soundless-sound OM does not exist outside of you. You are the One who is experiencing it. You are the One who is creating it, and you are the one eternally present in it.
Every living being in the Infinite Universe acts as Oneness and every living being comes under these three laws:
1. Om-nipotent means you are the One who is absolutely potent, having virtually unlimited power within.
2. Om-niscient means you are awareness, with ultimate understanding and insight; you have heard and seen the OM, the Whole.
3. Om-nipresent means you are the One who is present in OM, present in all places, in all directions, in all things and beings at all times, present from here to now.